
My name is Kevin Mao. Age 26 , place of birth San Fransisco. I've come to realize thru my limited life experience that there is a once in a generation cultural phenomenon happening right under my nose. I can feel in my bones, I can feel in the air, I can see it with mine eyes. It is the growing culture of American White Male/American Asian female relationship. In this day and age, it is (in my view anyway) one of the most symbolic yet little understood cultural phenomenon that seems to be limited to both coasts of the United States (and other countries such as Australia and Canada). Through this blog, I will post my musings, my snapshots of this specific culture , and will attempt to decipher it. I will also post other people's written and graphical work, in an attempt to make this blog as culturally enriching as possible. Basically the question is this? Why do Asian American females from all walks of life see White American Males as their preferred life/love partner? Is there an underlying cultural/sexual/psychological reason for it? Is there one factor - or a myriad of them. Why is it becoming instead of the exception - the norm? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Is it symbolic of the 21st century and the changing global hegemony. The rise of the Dragon, and the slow descent of the American Eagle? Is this perhaps an individual reaction to that shift? I will also (somewhat illegally and immorally) post photos of said couples , call it a gross invasion of privacy, call it cultural voyeurism at its most disgusting and perverted, or maybe call it just a way have a laugh and smile (or cry). I do sincerely hope you will both read this blog, enjoy it, or be enlightened by it. (or as I expect possibly disgusted by it, which is fine, as long as some emotion is registered).

Xie xie.

P.S. If by some fluke of nature that said couple sees their photo on blog and would like it to be taken down immediately, then do so.

P.P.S. If I post something from another blog/writer and they wish for me to take it down, I will do immediately and without protest.,

Friday, January 14, 2011

Where it all began.

It all began with me. I , like many other Asian-Americans was born in a time of change and into a unique sub-culture. The United states of America, was to my grandparents after the horror of the war, a haven - the promised land. So like many of their Chinese kin, they settled in the city which had one of the largest pre-existing communities of immigrant Chinese - San Francisco.  Both of my parents , growing up in the 60s-70s were the first in their families since arrival to attend American colleges and to take what would become the tried and tested route into American prosperity and the comfort of the upper-middle class. My mother became a doctor, and my father became an accountant. Both worked very very hard to become what they did, and to get to where they have now - upper middle class suburban comfort.

So, like many other 2nd/3rd generation Asian kids, I went down the same path. I went to school, I studied prodigiously, I played the piano from a very long age, at high school I tried to rebel when thanks to my height I made the basketball team , and thanks to my abilities I made the varsity soccer team. Of course, these athletic pursuits were not taken seriously because it was through grades that I would make my way into university, not athletic scholarships. I was very lucky in my choice of college - lucky that I was accepted into one of the oldest and prestigious universities in the country. Lucky also in the happy fact that it was on the other side of the country. So at the age of 18, I packed by bags and flew across the country to my new home for the next 4 years. Now here, is where it got interesting. The somewhat sheltered life of a middle class gated community did not prepare me for the social and cultural life of an East Coast college. My school was one that had a very large Asian-American population. My college, had a very small Asian-American population. Here I was , the other side of the country from my parents and my friends, trying to fit into a culture that in the late 90s was changing due to the shifting demographics of the student population. Here was where I, in effect started my cultural investigation. Though I of course did not know it, but through my eyes I saw the outline of this specific cultural phenomenon.

First , I should lay out the personal nature of myself, and my relationship failures. Before college I had one girlfriend. Just one. She was a friend of the family. She was very nice, a little shy, pretty cute and was equally new to the boyfriend/girlfriend thing. That relationship ended in my senior year. Perhaps it was due to pressure of studies, perhaps it was due to her slow maturity into a vibrant confident and admittedly sexually attractive girl. (The girl she is now, is incredibly different to the girl I knew sophomore and senior year) She of course was the one who ended the relationship. This crushed me. It was only thanks to my close friends that I didn't fall of a cliff and into some self-loathing spiral that would affect my school life. Of course this meant when I got to college I had very little clue, or "game" when it came to college girls. Both Asian-American girls, or non-Asian American girls.

So, where will I begin? I will begin with college relationships. My first major finding of my ongoing investigation. Does the idea of this cross-cultural relationship have its genesis in the chaotic scenes of colleges across the country? Does an Asian-American girl, free from her restrictive and protected home environment seek out a suitable partner/boyfriend within her college? Does the college environment, and the demographics of US colleges point her in the direction of the White American male.

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